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Symptoms: Chest pain or discomfort; Shortness of breath; Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, back, arm, or shoulder; Feeling nauseous, light-headed, or unusually tired; a sense of dread.
Symptoms: Weakness in the face, arm, or leg especially on one side of the body, trouble speaking, difficulty understanding speech, sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes, and sudden trouble walking.
Symptoms: difficulty, walking, talking, staying awake, blue or grey lips or nails, very small pupils, cold and clammy skin, dizziness and confusion, extreme drowsiness, choking, gurgling or snoring sounds, slow, weak or no breathing, inability to wake up, even when shaken or shouted at
Symptoms: Clutching throat, high-pitched sound, panic, skin or lips turning blue, etc
Symptoms: Temporary confusion, a staring spell, uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs, loss of consciousness or awareness, cognitive or emotional symptoms, such as fear, anxiety or deja vu.